Has your question not been answered on this website? Would you prefer to speak with someone? Please contact us. Our employees are glad to be of service.
We can be reached Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. by calling +31 88 1500 900 or by emailing info@domeinenrz.nl .
Are you calling for impounded vehicles? Then choose option 2 in the drop-down menu and then option 1.
Are you calling for impounded property? Then choose option 2 in the drop-down menu and then option 2 again.
Postal address:
Domeinen Roerende Zaken
Postbus 9043
7300 GD Apeldoorn
Visiting addresses:
Main officeJohn F. Kennedylaan 8 |
BleiswijkOverbuurtseweg 13 |
HoogeveenEuropaweg 23 |
SoesterbergZuiderweg 21 |
Information for press and media
State Property Service Movable Goods (DRZ) is a directorate of the Ministry of Finance. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance is politically responsible for DRZ.
DRZ is the legal custodian of seized goods. In addition, DRZ is designated by law to handle surplus property of the central government.
Spokesperson contact details
Below are the contact details of DRZ's spokesperson. He can only be contacted by journalists and media. Our spokesperson can be reached within office hours.
Media request
Do you work for a medium and are looking to collaborate with DRZ on a media production? If so, please answer the five questions below:
- Which medium do you work for?
- What do you want to make?
- When do you want to make the production and why at that time?
- Where do you want to make the production and why there?
- What is the plan of action?
- Send your request stating Media request [name medium] by e-mail to: m.wortelboer@minfin.nl
Only fully completed media requests will be considered.
- DRZ does not provide information and/or visual material for commercial activities, only for messages intended for citizen information.
- DRZ locations do not serve as a backdrop. Requests to do so are generally rejected.
- All data that could lead to owner goods should always be shielded.
- Employees of storage sites should not be pictured due to AVG and security requirements.
- The address of the storage location of the good may not be given due to security requirements.
- It is not allowed to touch goods. It is therefore also not allowed to sit in a car.
- Making visual material inside DRZ sites is only allowed with the express permission of DRZ management and under conditions. This is out of respect for the former owner/AVG and the recognisability of goods.
- Filming and photography are not allowed at location Ulicoten at all. The site is a BRZO location where filming and photography pose risks and are therefore prohibited. Because of the spark-free environment and danger of explosion, only visitors who must be present at the site because of their duties are allowed inside.
- Furthermore, the importance of DRZ in relation to media production and available capacity are considered.